11-30-2013, 06:53 PM
439Metin2 US Looking For New In-Game [MOD]sCake BakingThis event is usually popular amongst PVP players, due to the eventual rewards.As is on normal Gameforge servers, the Setaou Generals drop twisted keys.Unfortunately the cycle of hack and fix will probably only stop once interest in Metin2 starts to wane.No level limit is in place for this, so any guild can assemble and have a shot.In keeping with their improvised event style (in the past we have seen football/soccer based events!The National War event has had its kill limit raised to 500 kills, and some of the notices have been corrected.
The action is furious and quick as your character cleaves into all foes and swings their weapons within the weapon's reach.349Metin2 UK Royal Wedding EventIt remains to be seen whether it will prove effective or not.Tip 3: Dragon, Enchant damage can offer Temporary boost assault power.The first pair of players who hand in a pair of "I love U" to the [GM] will be the first couple.Gold is for over level 65, and Silver for under.Gameforge is shown to have covered some of the costs of the formation and operation of the company, including paying for the design and hosting of the website, in addition to advertising campaigns to attract sales.Powered by Goldvk Forum,the perfessional game raiders forum,including game raides,instance,Game Gold(Metin2 Yang), equipment, pvp, quests, etc.